Write Pythonic Code for Better Data Science (recording available)


I recently did a live webcast in conjunction with dataschool.io called Write Pythonic Code for Better Data Science. You might be thinking, “Live webcast, well that’s a little late, isn’t it?” Well, no, because the recording is available now. :)

If you missed it and want to watch the approximately 1 hour presentation with a short introduction and extensive Q&A afterwards, just visit the crowdcast page to watch the replay:


If you want to see the code written during the webcast, it’s available on GitHub here:


If you want to go deeper than a single webcast, I wrote a whole course on this topic called Write Pythonic Code Like a Seasoned Developer. Please check it out if it sounds interesting.


Here’s the quick background info on the webcast as well:

As an aspiring data scientist, you’ve probably heard that you need to learn how to use pandas, scikit-learn, and other Python libraries. But did you know that you can also improve your data science skills by getting better at the Python language itself?

During this 1-hour webcast, special guest Michael Kennedy will teach you how to write Pythonic code, which is code that takes advantage of the best features of the Python language. Not only will this help you to write more efficient and readable code, it will also enable you to pick up other Python libraries more quickly!

At the end of Michael’s lesson, there will be plenty of time to answer your Python questions. All levels of Python users are welcome!


Michael Kennedy

A Python enthusiast and an entrepreneur. Host of Talk Python and Python Bytes podcasts, founder of Talk Python Training. Python Software Foundation Fellow.

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