The Final 36 Hours: Python Jumpstart Video Course Kickstarter

[Update: Check out my Python for Entrepreneurs course running on Kickstarter now]

There are just 36 hours left in my online Python course Kickstarter.

Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps

I want to thank everyone who has either backed the project or shared it with someone who might be interested.

Here are a few updates and a final call to action.

#1. Team options. I have had several backer levels all focused on individuals. I added a couple of company / team focused ones for the final day. If you work with a team who needs to (or should!) learn Python, please recommend they buy my course. They can choose one of the team options or just buy the course as a group when it’s out in a few weeks.

  • TEAM PACK: 10 STUDENTS for $250
  • TEAM PACK: 20 STUDENTS for $450

#2. Talk Python Training. This kickstarter campaign is just the first step on my journey to build the best set of online Python training courses. I have launched Talk Python Training. You will be able to buy the course directly there as soon as it is finished as well as see what I’m planning next.


How can you help?

If you think this project is pretty cool, please consider:

  1. Backing the project on Kickstarter.
  2. Subscribe to my mailing list on Talk Python Training to hear about new courses
  3. Recommend the course to a friend, colleague or even your company

Once again, thanks everyone. This project has been a great joy to work on and I couldn’t have done it without.

— Michael

Michael Kennedy

A Python enthusiast and an entrepreneur. Host of Talk Python and Python Bytes podcasts, founder of Talk Python Training. Python Software Foundation Fellow.

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