Reblogged: New webcasts from DevelopMentor: MongoDB, iOS, and Bootstrap

Reblogged from DevelopMentor.

We are excited to announce three upcoming webcasts at DevelopMentor in November:

     webcast-mark-smith-iOS-and-dotnet-Xamarin webcast-michael-kennedy-bootstrap-beautiful-websites

Register for these now:

Getting started with MongoDB and NoSQL in .NET and C#
y Pierre Nallet

The world of data offers new choices and MongoDB is the most popular alternative to SQL databases today. In this one hour webinar, we’ll look at the reasons developers turn to NoSql databases and what makes MongoDB special. Then we’ll look at how to manipulate MongoDB data from C# efficiently and safely by leveraging Linq.

 Building data-driven applications for iOS in C#
by Mark Smith

Creating a dynamic UI for data display and navigation takes time – in this 1 hour webinar, we’ll look at using C# and Xamarin.iOS to pull data from the web and display it in a quick, easy fashion in table views using the cool services of DialogViewController.  With this technique, you can quickly build data-driven applications to display almost any form of data and be positioned to port that code to other platforms like Windows Phone and Android easily.

Building beautiful websites with Bootstrap: A case study
y Michael Kennedy

Bootstrap has literally changed the game when it comes to web design. This is especially true for developers who have traditionally struggled to build beautiful and engaging sites. With Bootstrap, developers can now start from a good design and evolved. This webcast look at how we at DevelopMentor have used bootstrap to completely redesign our website. We’ll take you through a quick introduction to bootstrap and then look at the various ways we have made use of it’s simple and productive design foundation.

Recorded webcasts
We have also published about 50 hours of free webcasts at Come check them out!

Michael Kennedy

A Python enthusiast and an entrepreneur. Host of Talk Python and Python Bytes podcasts, founder of Talk Python Training. Python Software Foundation Fellow.

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